National Teachers Day Winners CCMF 2019!

We wanted to do something really special for our local teachers this year. May 7th was National Teachers Day and we surprised these lovely ladies with tickets to the 5th Anniversary of Carolina Country Music Fest! These teachers showed us how hard work, determination and love can make a big difference in your kids lives! We wish we could’ve had teachers like these ladies! CCMFer’s – we asked for nominations for ‘Teacher of the Year’ and here they are!

Melissa Duncan

Waccamaw Elementary School


In September 2018, Conway South Carolina became inundated with the rising waters of Hurricane Florence. The Waccamaw River reached a crest of 21.2 feet, surpassing the previous record by more than three feet. This record breaking flood left many Horry County Residents displaced and stranded. Melissa Duncan, a first grade teacher at Waccamaw Elementary school was unfortunately one of those residents. She was faced with the realization that she might lose her home along with all of her personal belongings. While most would be defeated in a moment such as this, Melissa chose to direct her focus into helping other members of the community that were impacted. She spent her days out of the house coordinating and leading a flood relief drive, providing hot meals, clothes, and supplies to others in need. Not only is Melissa an excellent teacher, she is compassionate and selfless. Mrs. Duncan, this is a charitable lesson we can all learn a little something from.     


Heidi Dickerson

Aynor High School


Have you ever had that one teacher who stood out; someone you felt always had your back, believed in you, and looked after your best interest. The students at Aynor High School have. Their teacher, Heidi Dickerson shines bright and is truly an advocate for all of her students. She is bubbly, uplifting, and full of personality. There is never a dull moment in Ms. Dickerson’s class! She not only looks out for the best interest of her students, but for her school and community as well. Anything she is tasked with, Ms. Dickerson goes above and beyond to make it happen. She single handedly coordinated efforts to restore a well known mural in the town that serves as a piece of history within the community. She works one on one with students, teaching them useful artistic skills on image editing using computer technology. She was also voted by her peers as Aynor High Schools Teacher of the Year! Not only does she inspire students to pursue their passion, she works with their families in her off time to create timeless imagery as she continually strives to perfect hers.


Diana Raymond

Black Water Middle School

When it comes to formulating the perfect educator, Ms. Raymond knows all of the right calculations. She works with each grade, helping students understand the world of mathematics. She is relatable, funny, and always goes out of her way to inspire others. No task is too big and no student is left behind. Ms. Raymond works with a variety of students from accelerated placement to those who may need additional support and guidance, tailoring her lessons to support their individual needs. She was selected by her peers to be in the top 5 category for Teacher of the Year, works with Student Council, and supports the students on the Math Counts Team for Horry County. No matter what walk of life you may be on, she has a diverse lesson plan ready to meet your child’s needs. Ms. Raymond exuberates all the qualities of an A+ teacher.


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