30+ artists and you can literally be just feet from them… that means a chance to get brought up on stage, take a selfie, receive a guitar giveaway or maybe even have an experience like the time an artist handed his sweaty shirt to a girl who almost fainted! We see SO many dreams come true at CCMF that literally bring us to tears!
Although we do all kinds of fun stuff to win meet and greets – no matter what ticket type you get – the artists choose the closest peeps for these performance interactions, so if you’re not in Super VIP or VIP the opportunity diminishes greatly.
If you’re on the fence about which ticket to buy, VIP and Super VIP get you super close to the artists and artist interactions! You don’t want to miss this experience. VIP and Super VIP sold out last year and they will definitely sell out way earlier this year! GET YOURS NOW BEFORE PRICES GO UP MARCH 9!
Payment plans and upgrades are available while they last! Buy tix at: www.ccmf.com or to upgrade, hit up Ticketfly (877.435.9849 or customersupport@ticketfly.com) and they will fix you up! For ticket type price comparison, click here.
You can’t put a price tag on an experience that will last a lifetime! See ya’ll there!